Saturday, September 28, 2013


Waiting, fidgeting, gnawing on nails,
Palpitating heart, saturating sweats,
Smacking head, screaming, sobbing,
Lying in bed, putting head under the pillow,
Getting up, switching on the laptop, scrolling,
Tears trickling down, looking and waiting.


Friday, September 27, 2013

If one day

If one day I still keep
These unspoken feelings from you,
And you do not have the chance
To listen to my every syllable, my every word,my every sentence
And my long awkward pauses,
You can read all my poems
That I have composed for you,
On my scattered notebook pages,
On my Ipad,
In my long-winded blog,
Through my siblings and
Closed acquaintances.

If one day,
Death greets you,
Believe me,
InsyaAllah, you would be safe,
As you are always in my dua,
And I never stop praying
For you.

If Death greets me first,
I hope I could still pray for your safety
In this world and the Hereafter.

If one day you stop
Hearing news about me,
It does not mean I stop making dua
For you,
My feelings for you
Are like the gushing river
Albeit you may not think of me,
Not even a second,
As I know only she
conquers the space
In your heart.

I will still pray for your safety and eternal bliss,
Despite you are the cause of my patched heart,
I will still remember you
In my dua.


Let Me Breathe with Your Light

Please kill me,
Before Death greets,
Let me breathe
In Your light,
Let my heart be detached
From this ephemeral
Let my heart be free
From this attachment.
I do not want
To taste this bitter
Please kill
All my unwanted desires,
My attachment to
these transient beings
And things.
Please kill me,
Let me breathe,
In Your light,
Before Death greets,
Before my heart dies,
Please kill me,
O Creator of Death,
Let me breathe,
In Your light.


I feel inspired after I read "Reclaim Your Heart" by Yasmin Mogahed. It's highly recommended.