Tuesday, April 2, 2013

NaPoWriMo no.2 : The Flagrant Lies

You might be wondering (or couldn't care less) that I've deleted my poem called "The Cactus". I didn't check the NaPoWrimo site (http://www.napowrimo.net/) and it turned out there's a theme for the second poem. So, I've decided to give it a go. It's about lies. Here goes:

The Flagrant Lies
I hate it when you look at me,
And curve that perfect
Devious smile,
I hate listening to your mellifluous voice,
I hate your distinctive style.
I never think about you,
Not once, twice or thrice,
No, you are not the one
Who stays and lingers
Endlessly in my heart.

Could not you see,
Could not you feel,
These are purely lies?


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